CROSS Data platform - CROSSDat
Categories | Data package | Description | Institution/Project | Latest version |
Assumptions | Assumptions CROSS scenarios v2022-09 | Harmonising assumption for CROSS scenarios V2022-09, including: Macro-economic drivers, energy reference area, heating degree days, end-use energy demands, resource potentials, import prices | 2022-09-30 | |
Biomass Resources | Biomass and waste potentials in CROSS | Biomass and wast potentials for energy use including wood, manure, green and fossil waste and sewage sludge, 2015-2060. JASM-Biosweet estimation. Potentials in mass and energy units | 2022-04-05 | |
Biomass Resources | Biomass and waste potentials in JASM | Biomass and wast potentials for energy use including wood, manure, green and fossil waste and sewage sludge, 2015-2060. JASM-Biosweet estimation. Potentials in mass and energy units | 2020-08-19 | |
Climate | Climate data from CH2018 scenarios | Climate data from CH2018 scenarios: temperature, heating and cooling degree days for 1981-2099 | 2020-02-03 | |
Demand | End-use energy demands in CROSS | End-use energy demand for Switzerland in 2000-2050 in CROSS- Space heat, process heat, warm water, electricity appliances, passenger and freight transport | 2022-09-30 | |
Efficiency Industry Demand | Industry - Chemical & Pharma., Cement, Motor systems, Excess heat recovery systems |
| 2018-10-25 | |
Efficiency Industry | Energy Efficiency Database for Swiss Industry | Techno-economic data for energy efficency measures applicable in Swiss industrial systems (electric motor driven systems and excess heat recovery systems) and sectors (chemical and pharmaceutical and cement). | 2021-01-20 | |
Efficiency Buildings Residential Commercial | Energy efficiency investment cost curve for envelope measures in residential and commercial building stock (CESAR model) | 2013 annual heating energy savings and associated investment costs for envelope measures in residential and commercial buildings in Switzerland; includes: Single-family residential, Multi-family residential, Office, School, Shop, Restaurant and Hospital; based on result... | 2020-10-16 | |
Efficiency Buildings | Energy efficiency investment cost curve for envelope measures in residential building stock (SwissRes model) | 2016 final energy savings, total investment costs, space heating demand and energy reference area by age, building type, typology and canton (from SwissRes model). This version includes the ERA calculated in Schluck (2019) and it includes the environmental heat in the f... | 2020-05-06 | |
Technology | Database for Techno-Economic Parameters of Energy Technologies | The library is organized into three distinct technology silos: thermal, electrical, and gas. An introductory file is provided to assist users in navigating the different Excel files. | Empa | 2024-02-27 |
Technology Demand | ENTSO-E Monthly aggregated hourly load by country | ENTSO-E Monthly aggregated hourly load by country | 2023-02-28 | |
Space heating Buildings | Energy reference area (ERA) in CROSS scenarios v2022-09 : Reference, High and low variants | Energy reference area (ERA) for residential, commercial and industrial sectors in CROSS scenarios v2022-09 (reference, high and low variants) | 2024-03-11 | |
Hydropower statistics | Füllungsgrad der Speicherseen, Sonntag 24h, Wochenbericht Speicherinhalt | Der Füllungsgrad der Speicherseen, Sonntag 24h, Wochenbericht Speicherinhalt gibt Auskunft über den Speicherinhalt der Schweizer Speicherseen für vier Regionen in GWh und als Füllgrad in % jeweils am Sonntag 24h auf wöchentlicher Basis. Der Füllungsgrad der Speich... | 2022-12-08 | |
Climate | Heating degree days CROSS scenarios | Heating degree days in CROSS scenarios | 2022-09-30 | |
Hydropower Climate | Future hydropower monthly profile for RCP scenarios | Changes in the hydropower monthly profile due to climate change (RCP scenarios 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5). The data is harmonized to the total production over the year | 2022-02-24 | |
Fuels Prices | Fuel import prices 2010-2060 in CROSS (Reference, high and low variants) | Import prices of oil, gas, biodiesel, ethanol and hydrogen in CROSS sceneario V2022-09 (Reference, high and low variants), 2010-2050 | 2022-09-30 | |
Macroeconomy | Macro-economic drivers in CROSS scenarios v2022-09 (reference, high and low variants) | Macro-economic drivers in CROSS scenarios v2022-09: population, working population, number of households and GDP (reference, high and low variants) | 2022-09-30 | |
Macroeconomy | Macro-economic drivers in JASM scenarios | Macro-economic drivers including population, working population, number of households and GDP in JASM (reference, high and low variants) | 2020-08-01 | |
Electricity Capacity | Net transfer capacities | Electricity border transmission net transfer capacities for future years according to ENTSO-E TYNDP in MW per border and flow direction. | 2022-12-13 | |
Energy efficiency | Energy Efficiency Indicators for Transport, Services and Industry Sectors | Indices for the development of the historical demand for Transport, Services and Industry sectors from Odyssee | UNIGE | 2024-08-05 |
Assumptions | Results CROSS scenarios v2022-09 | Results CROSS scenarios v2022-09 including electricity, space heat, transport, and industrial heat production and supply | 2024-12-05 | |
Energy statistics | Schweizerische Gesamtenergiestatistik | Die Schweizerische Gesamtenergiestatistik gibt Auskunft über Produktion, Import / Export, Lagerhaltung, Umwandlung und Verbrauch der verschiedenen Energieträger in der Schweiz auf jährlicher Basis (Energiebilanz). Der Endenergieverbrauch von Holz, Kohle, Müll und In... | 2022-05-02 | |
Results | SES-ETH model results | SES-ETH model results, net zero scenarios. SES-ETH has a resolution of 24 typical days (each month is represented by 2 days) and blocks of 3 hours (each day has 8 blocks). To get yearly totals, you should sum over the columns of the files and multiply by 365/24 and by 2... | 2022-09-10 | |
Demand Buildings | Hourly space heating demand profiles for residential buildings in Switzerland (IDA ICE) | Hourly space heating demand profiles for residential buildings in Switzerland. Includes single- and multi-family buildings both with a modern and an old insulation standard. Calculated with the simulation software IDA-ICE. | 2020-12-10 | |
Services Cooling Demand | Swiss service sector cooling demand projections | Estimates and projections for cooling demand in different subsectors of the Swiss service sector for 2015 and three climate scenarios for 2050 (RCP2.6, 4.5, 8.5). The values are summarised on a raster grid of 400m x 400m pixels. | 2021-06-01 | |
Efficiency Heating Buildings Demand | Swiss building stock heat demand data by typology, raster summary | Swiss building stock physical characteristics and heat demands data disaggregated by building typology. The values are summarised on a raster grid of 200m x 200m pixels. | 2021-06-01 | |
Technology Costs | Technology investment costs assumptions for different energy system models | Technology investment costs assumptions for BSM, Calliope, EXPANSE, FlexiTI, Nexus-e, OREES, SES-ETH, STEM and TESSA | 2023-02-28 | |
Electricity statistics | Wochenstatistik Elektrizitätsbilanz - Erzeugung und Abgabe elektrischer Energie in der Schweiz | Die Wochenstatistik Elektrizitätsbilanz - Erzeugung und Abgabe elektrischer Energie in der Schweiz gibt Auskunft über Produktion, Import / Export und Verbrauch von Elektrizität in der Schweiz jeweils am Mittwoch auf wöchentlicher Basis. Bei der Produktion werden die... | 2022-02-03 |