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CoSi Monitor

The main aim of the CoSi-monitor is to provide transparency about existing energy policies on Swiss and Cantonal level as well as indicators of energy transition achievements on a disaggregated sectoral and cantonal level.

Energy efficiency monitoring

The energy efficiency monitoring builds on the existing Odyssee-MURE project. Odyssee-MURE is the European Commission’s flagship project on energy efficiency, providing comprehensive monitoring of efficiency trends and policy evaluation in over 30 other European countries, all facing the challenge to transform their energy system. The energy efficiency monitoring in CoSi is conducted in collaboration with ODYSSEE. It encompasses: (i) Yearly ex-post analysis of achieved energy efficiency improvement; (ii) trend analysis of energy efficiency improvement to identify underlying relevant factors and to determine if the improvement rate is sufficient to achieve energy and climate targets; and (iii) understanding of societal trends that contribute to reducing energy demand (such as rebound effects, sufficiency trends, energy poverty, etc.). 

The data contains information on energy use in the following areas:

  • Heating: heating system, specific energy use, use of hot water.
  • Electricity: energy use by type of appliance.
  • Mobility: type and efficiency of vehicle, vehicle size and usage (km).

Policy monitoring

The policy monitoring builds on the MURE part of the Odyssee-MURE project and the Clean Energy Index Switzerland (CEIS) project. CEIS is a platform to track cantonal energy policies and progress on achieving their energy goals. It was developed in a co-creation process led by ZHAW in collaboration with experts from NGOs, cantons and with politicians.  MURE focuses on national policies and CEIS on policies at cantonal level, which are very relevant given the Swiss decentralized governance structure. The policy monitoring allows us to: (i) Evaluate and compare energy policies by sector, and relate them to the observed trends in energy consumption; (ii) report on energy efficiency savings induced by energy efficiency policies; (iii) support monitoring Swiss targets and implementation of measures; and (iv) help preparing future policy targets and policies by highlighting successful measures. 


CoSi: ODYSSEE-MURE-CEIS Seminar, 8th May 2024
Swiss energy efficiency analysis and policies at sectoral level