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CROSS / CROSSDat / Assumptions CROSS scenarios v2022-09

Assumptions CROSS scenarios v2022-09

Package version
DescriptionHarmonising assumption for CROSS scenarios V2022-09, including: Macro-economic drivers, energy reference area, heating degree days, end-use energy demands, resource potentials, import prices
NotesMacro-economic drivers are population, GDP, numnber of households, and working population. End-use energy demands include space heating, hot water, process heat, electric appliances,mpassenger transport, and freight transport. Resource poentials: solar PV rooftop, facades and mountains, wind, hydropower and different biomass types (wood, manure, green waste, sludge and waste).
Last changesNot documented
Geographical scopeSwitzerland
Geographical resolutionSectors
Temporal scope and resolution2050 (1 year resolution)
DownloadData package (zip) kB)

Individual data files
CROSS-v2022-09-harmonising-assumptions.csv (24 kB)
SourcesA. Marcucci, J. Dujardin, V. Heinisch, E. Panosd and S. Yilmaz (2022). CROSS Scenarios and Drivers Definition Version: CROSS-v2022-09
Data licensesCreative Commons Attribution 4.0
ContactAdriana Marcucci
Cite asMarcucci, A.(2022). Assumptions CROSS scenarios v2022-09. CROSS.

Field documentation
CROSS-v2022-09 harmonising assumptions (CROSS-v2022-09-harmonising-assumptions.csv)
Field NameType (Format)Description
typestringType (assumption, output)
variablestringVariable name
timeResolution stringTime resolution of the variable: annual,monthly, daily, hourly, typical-day-summer, typical-day-winter
timeStepstringTime step depending of the time resolution. annual: YYYY, monthly: YYYY-MM, daily: YYYY-MM-DD, hourly: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm, typical-day-summer: YYYY HH:mm, typical-day-winter: YYYY HH:mm
unitstringUnit of the variable
variantstringVariant of the sceanario, e.g. reference, high, low
valuenumberValue of the variable