CROSS / CROSSDat / ENTSO-E Monthly aggregated hourly load by country ENTSO-E Monthly aggregated hourly load by country Package version2023-02-28(latest)"latest" URLDescriptionENTSO-E Monthly aggregated hourly load by countryLast changesNot documentedGeographical scopeEuropeGeographical resolutionCountryTemporal scope and resolution2015-2017 (Monthly resolution)DownloadIndividual data files (from external source: aggregated hourly load by country 2015-2017Montly aggregated hourly load by country 2006-2015Meta dataREADME.mddatapackage.jsonExternal sourceDatapackage from entso-e power statistics. External Link to datapackageContactENTSO-E Institution/ProjectENTSO-ECite asENTSO-E(2023). ENTSO-E Monthly aggregated hourly load by country Link: