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CROSS results

Scenario versions

CROSS model result comparison plots code

Github repository

The code to produce the plots for the model results comparison in available on Github

Code instructions and description of common data format V2024-04

CROSS scenarios V2022-09

The scenarios simulated correspond to the CROSS scenarios V2022-09:

Results 18.01.2023

These results were presented in the CROSS final event on the 18.01.2023.

Disclaimer: These results are preliminary, and subject to changes (results last updated on 18.01.2023). All teams are working on improving their models, only results from Empa-VSE and EP2050+ are final.

Participating models and studies
  1. Calliope model: Description, model wepbage
  2. Nexus-e model: Description, model wepbage
    • Nexus-e+Calliope refers to the Nexus-e model using the electricity demand from Calliope
    • Nexus-e+EP2050 refers to the Nexus-e model using the electricity demand from EP2050+
  3. SES-ETH model: Description, Model description (2021), Model description and application (2022)
  4. STEM model: Description, model wepbage
  5. Empa-VSE: Energiezukunft 2050 – Die Energieversorgung der Schweiz bis 2050, EMPA and VSE
  6. EP2050+: Energy Perspectives 2050+, Zero Basis scenario, Swiss Federal Office of Energy

Page last updated: June 20, 2023